Winter Play League

Click here to register for our Winter Play League

The Hilltopper Winter League is back for our 9th season and is the best way for local lacrosse players to get ready for the spring season. This winter we will hold both a high school and middle school play league to help our players prepare for their upcoming school seasons.

At the high school level players will be grouped together by teams of players who attend similar high schools or geographic areas so they can gain chemistry playing with their teammates come the spring. For these games we will keep score and hold a final end of season tournament in which we will crown and A bracket and B bracket champion.

For our middle school and youth sessions we will hold hour long games on Sunday afternoon where we mix rosters and hold weekly games.

When will games be held?

Middle school games will be held from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm at Homestead Park and High School games will run between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm. League nights will be held 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, and 2/4. 2/11 will be our weather makeup date if severe weather prevents us from playing one night.

Where will games take place?

Game will be played at Homestead Park in Chapel Hill. 100 Northern Park Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, 27516 on the turf fields.

League Rules

For the high school teams the winter play league consists of full field 10 vs 10 games following NFHS rules. Games will consist of four 12 minute running  quarters with stop time being kept in the last two minutes of the game if the score is within three goals.

The first three nights of league play will consist of seeding games before the final two nights run an A bracket and B bracket championship.

Teams will be formed with players from similar regional areas or the same schools. Teams will not reflect any official high school team. Should established teams who are registering all at once have less than 24 players on their roster before one week out, additional free agent players may be added to their team. Each team will need at least one parent or person over the age of 18 on the sideline for their games. Players will also need to bring full lacrosse gear and their own water.

How much does the league cost?

The price of the league is $65 per player signing up on their own, players signing up with a specific team, may pay a reduced rate or may have payment covered by their team through one bulk payment.

How do I register?

In order to sign up for Winter League please use the below link:

Click Here To Sign Up!